FAST Newsletter — Winter 2024

Author: Chloe Leach

Dear FAST Community of Practice Members,

Happy New Year! We extend a warm welcome to everyone returning from the holiday break. As we dive into a new semester, we have exciting updates and information to share.



Emily Tacoma joined the Provost’s Office as the new Associate Program Director for Faculty and Academic Operations, succeeding Kelley Collins. Before joining the Provost’s Office, Emily worked in the Keough School’s Dean’s Office as the Faculty Affairs Senior Coordinator.

Kellye Mitros joined the College of Arts & Letters Dean’s Office as their new Associate Director of Faculty Administration. Before joining the A&L Dean’s Office, Kellye worked in the Technology Ethics Center as the Associate Director for Operations.

With the retirement of Brenda Harrington, Kate Merkle has taken on the role of Senior Payroll Coordinator for faculty in Payroll Services. Kate has a wide knowledge of experience with faculty jobs and is well-versed in a plethora of salary scenarios. Please feel free to reach out to Kate with any faculty payroll-related issues. Kate can be reached at 631-7059 or


There were two major enhancements to OnBase released on January 18th. First, we have developed the ability to change a checklist from one type to another while maintaining all work completed on the original checklist. We also have created a digital form to replace the Request for Non-Regular Appointment PDF. For more information about these enhancements, review our documentation concerning Checklist Conversion and the new Request for Appointment Form. Additionally, the recording from the Zoom demonstration can be viewed here.

RPT 2023-2024

The deadline for submitting T-TT RPT packets was Monday, January 8 and TPAC-RL RP packets was Monday, January 15. Take a moment and pat yourselves on the back for a job well done! If you have any feedback on the process, please feel free to share it with us via this anonymous Google Form.

Student/Faculty Jobs in Personnel Actions

The Student Jobs rollout has been pushed out to the first week of June. With this move, the anticipated rollout of June (originally January) for Faculty Jobs has been pushed out again and is yet to be determined. We will keep you updated as we learn more from our partners in OIT.


Every member of the Notre Dame community can record the pronunciation of their name directly from their directory listing using a new integration called NameCoach. NameCoach will allow you to easily record your name for your directory profile without requiring any special software or applications. This is one more tool we can use to help create a welcoming community, so we encourage you to use this new service and share it with others in your unit, including faculty.


Between Thanksgiving and the Christmas break, a team from Keough School institutes worked together to process 74 new appointments and 138 renewals, totaling 212 appointments, set to begin on January 2, 2024. Special recognition goes to Anne Bax for her leadership, and thanks to Joe Gettinger for his quick assistance in reviewing checklists. Congratulations to all involved!

We would like to continually celebrate the achievements of our community members. If you or a colleague have any accomplishments, successes, or special projects you'd like to share, please contact Chloe Leach at


As always, our community is a resource-rich environment. Our FAST website is live and growing as we develop together. We have aimed to provide you with helpful knowledge and tools most pertinent to our roles, but please let us know if you have suggestions for additions or improvements to the site.

Our shared Google Drive, FAST_COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE, contains our roster for the community and sub-groups, Dean’s Office meeting notes, Department Experts’ notes, and updates from the Provost’s Office as they become available.

If you are seeking guidance, mentorship, or collaboration, please reach out to the community, our department experts, or the Provost’s Office team. Together, we can create a thriving space for shared learning and growth.


Your input is critical to the growth and improvement of our community. If you have any suggestions, feedback, or ideas to help make our community stronger, please don't hesitate to share them with the Provost’s Office. We are here to support and empower each other.

Thank you for being an essential part of Notre Dame's FAST Community of Practice. Your dedication and contributions to the FAST community are highly valued, and we look forward to another semester of collaboration and learning together.

The Provost’s Office team

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